1 Klipper installation notes on Orange Zero

Installation notes of Gnu/Linux + Klipper on a Orange Zero Pi 3. This is not a guide, just the history of operation.

Generated on 2024-12-21

1.1 Pre install

1.2 History

Discovewr IP address and MAC, add host name and ip addres static on dhcp server:

chrome:~# tail -f /var/log/syslog
2024-07-25T12:56:03.839145+02:00 chrome dnsmasq-dhcp[988631]: DHCPACK(lan) 02:00:c6:ab:7f:a9 orangepizero3


ssh root@zero
password is 1234

echo "zero" > /etc/hostname

Enable bash_completion:

vim /etc/bash.bashrc


apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade
apt-get install vim less ncdu htop
apt-get clean
apt-get autoremove

Optional install armbian-config

Download and enable all common .config files (bash.rc, vim.rc …):

wget my-server/dots.tgz
tar -vzxf dots.tgz
Do the same for system user

SSH keys, hosts names:

restart network or reboot to check dhcp and hosts names are ok
host zero

ssh-copy-id zero
do the same for user

Check block devices and resisze filesystems in case:

df -h
cfdisk /dev/mmcblk0
resize2fs /dev/mmcblk0p1

check zram

1.2.1 Install size OS pre Kiauh

df -h | grep mmc

/dev/mmcblk0p1  7.2G  1.1G  6.0G  15% /

free -m
               total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
               Mem:             918         168         659           1         159         749
               Swap:            459           0         459

1.2.2 WiFi

See: https://docs.armbian.com/User-Guide_Networking/


  version: 2
  renderer: networkd
          dhcp4: true
          dhcp6: true
                  password: "your-password"

1.3 Kiauh

  • Install Kiauh in /home/user/kiauh

  • backup with tar and rsync

1.4 ToDo

# Serial connection # Backup scripts # Add extra USB ports # Remote X server for klipperscreen

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